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  • Summary date: Mar 23 2017 - View Summary

    Identical to H 454, filed 3/22/17.

    Amends GS 47-30 to specify the placement of a border on landscape-format and portrait-format plats. Authorizes submitting plats in the form of black line on white paper instead of transparent and archival, in counties in which the register has made a security copy of the plat.

    Revises the information that must be contained in the title of the plat to include the surveyor firm and license number, if applicable, and the dates and descriptions of revisions made after original signing. Requires all information to be listed prominently on the plat. Information in the notes does not satisfy requirements for information that must be included in the title of the plat.

    Requires certificates from the surveyor to state the reference source for the boundry information for the surveyed property shown (currently, the origin of the information shown), the ratio of precision or positional accuracy (currently just ratio of precision), a required seal and signature, as well as the currently required information. Requires multiple sheet plats to be identified as a map set. Makes conforming changes. Adjusts the text of the certificate. Provides that the presence of the personal signature and seal of a professional land surveyor constitutes certification that the map conforms to the standards of practice for land surveying.

    Requires an accurate method of computation to determine the ratio of precision or the positional accuracy (currently just ratio of precision) on the plat.

    Revises nine of the items on the list at GS 47-50(f) of specific information that plats must contain. Amongst the revisions are a provision that nonverified tax map information is not sufficient to show the required names of adjacent landowners, or lot, block, parcel, subdivision designations or other legal references, and an elimination of a provision referring to control corners established under GS Chapter 39, Article 5A (Control Corners in Real Estate Development), repealed as mentioned below.

    Replaces references to registered land surveyors with professional land surveyors.

    This statute does not apply to boundary plats of State lines, county lines, in addition to the plats currently exempted.

    Provides that maps attached to deeds or other instruments and submitted for recording in that form must either be (1) an original map that meets the requirements of subsections (c) through (f) of this statute and bears the signature of a professional land surveyor and the surveyor's seal, or (2) a certified copy of a previously recorded map. Deletes all requirements currently in GS 47-50(m), except that the map must be no larger than 8.5 by 14 inches and compliant with either that subsection or subsection (n).

    Revises the text of the label on maps required by subsection (n).

    Repeals GS Chapter 39, Article 5A (Control Corners in Real Estate Developments).