Subject to voter approval at the general election on November 6, 2018, amends the NC Constitution as follows.
Amends Section 2 of Article II of the NC Constitution to provide that the NC Senate will be composed of 50 Senators elected by ballot every four years (was, every two years). Also provides in Section 4 that the NC House will be composed of 120 Representatives elected by ballot every four years. Amends Section 6 of Article II of the NC Constitution to add the qualification that at the time of election a Senator may not have served more than three terms in the Senate. Provides that service in more than 12 months of a four-year term constitutes serving a term in the Senate for the purpose of calculating the limitation of three terms. Amends Section 7 of Article II of the NC Constitution to provide the qualification that at the time of election a Representative may not have served more than three terms in the House of Representatives. Provides that service in more than 12 months of a four-year term constitutes serving a term in the House for the purpose of calculating the limitation of three terms. Amends Section 8 of Article II of the NC Constitution to provide that the election for respective districts will occur in 2022 and after that every four years.
Amends Section 7(3) of Article III of the NC Constitution to provide that office vacancies by any of the officers specified in this section will be filled by election at the first statewide election for members of the US House of Representatives (was, when members of the General Assembly are elected). Amends Section 9(3) of Article IV of the NC Constitution to provide that elections for the office of the clerk of the superior court for each county will be at the same time and places as statewide elections for the US House of Representatives (was, when members of the General Assembly are elected). Amends Section 18(1) of Article IV of the NC Constitution to provide elections for the office of district attorney for each district across North Carolina will be at the same time and places as statewide elections for the US House of Representatives (was, when members of the General Assembly are elected). Amends Section 19 of Article IV of the NC Constitution to provide that vacancies in the NC Judicial Branch will be filled by appointment by the Governor and those appointed will hold their offices until the next statewide election for members of the US House of Representatives (was, until the next election for members of the General Assembly). Amends Section 2 of Article VII of the NC Constitution to provide that in each county a sheriff will be elected at the same time and place as members of the US House of Representatives (was, when members of the General Assembly are elected).
Makes conforming, clarifying and technical changes to the following statutes: GS 7A-60(a2), GS 7A-140, GS 115C-18, GS 163-182-13A(c), GS 120-37(a), GS 120C-304(a), GS 138A-14(c), GS 147-4, GS 152-1, GS 161-1, GS 163-8, GS 163-9, GS 163-10, GS 163-12, and GS 163-329. Additionally, makes language gender neutral.
Provides that if the majority vote is in favor of the proposed constitutional amendments that (1) the State Board of Elections is to certify the amendments to the Secretary of State and (2) the constitutional amendments and statutory changes become effective January 1, 2020, and apply to elections and vacancies occurring on or after that date.
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Bill H 193 (2017-2018)Summary date: Feb 23 2017 - View Summary