House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Deletes proposed licensing of navigators in proposed Part 8 and instead provides for the certification and training of navigators in new Article 33B in GS Chapter 58. Amends the definitions of exchange and navigator and deletes the terms insurance producer and patient navigator. Prohibits an individual or entity from acting, offering to act, or advertising and serving as a navigator unless certified as a navigator. Sets out requirements to be met for certification. Certification is valid for two years; sets out requirements for renewal. Specifies information that must be reported quarterly by each certified navigator to the entity with which the navigator is affiliated; the entity must then report the information to the Commissioner of Insurance. Includes the same prohibited acts from the 1st edition. Makes conforming changes. Effective January 1, 2014.
Appropriates $580,187 for 2013-14 and $351,974 for 2014-15 from the General Fund to the Department of Insurance (Department) to implement the act. Authorizes the creation of two full-time equivalent positions. Requires the Department to use its best efforts to seek federal funding to implement the act. Requires a report to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations on the efforts to obtain federal funding on or before March 1, 2014. Effective July 1, 2013.
Makes conforming changes to the act's titles.
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Bill H 877 (2013-2014)Summary date: May 1 2013 - View Summary
Bill H 877 (2013-2014)Summary date: Apr 15 2013 - View Summary
Enacts new Part 8, Health Insurance Navigators, in Article 50 of GS Chapter 58. Prohibits functioning as a navigator (as defined) without a license. Requires the Commissioner of Insurance to issue a license when five specified requirements are met, including passing an exam. Requires licensed navigators to provide factually accurate insurance advice and guidance to uninsured individuals and groups seeing coverage on an exchange and to provide factually accurate information to uninsured persons and businesses regarding the availability of premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions. Prohibits specified acts, including soliciting a person or business already insured under an existing health benefit plan and receiving anything of value from an insurer, health benefit plan, business, or consumer for providing advice or services. Violations of the Part or of the Affordable Care Act is ground for denial, suspension, or revocation of a license. This part does not apply to patient navigators.