House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Directs theDivision of Motor Vehicles (DMV)to contract with a qualified vendor or vendors (was, a single vendor only)to implementa statewide electronic lien system. Makes conforming changes to reflect that the DMV may contract with a vendor or vendors. Amends the minimum standards the DMV is to set when contracting with a qualified vendor or vendors to require the DMV to issue a competitive request for proposal (RFP) to evaluate the qualifications of any vendor or vendors responsible for the ongoing support of the state electronic lien system. Permits the DMV to receive input from parties that do not respond to an RFP to establish and operate an electronic lien system.
Permits the qualified vendor or vendors to charge participating lienholders and their agents a per-transaction fee, consistent with market pricing, in an amount not more than $3.50 (was, $8.00). Permits participating lienholders and their agents to charge the borrower of a motor vehicle loan or the lessee of an automotive lease an amount that is equal to the transaction fee, plus a feethat does not exceed $4.00 for each electronic transaction where a lien is notated.
Requires a qualified vendor to have experience in directly providing electronic solutions to state motor vehicle departments or agencies (was, providingelectronic lien services to both lienholders and state motor vehicle departments or agencies). However, provides that a qualified vendor may also serve as a service provider to lienholders if all of the specified conditions are met.
Makes organizational and conforming changes.
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Bill H 621 (2013-2014)Summary date: May 7 2013 - View Summary
Bill H 621 (2013-2014)Summary date: Apr 9 2013 - View Summary
Identical to S 407 filed 3/25/13.
Enacts new GS 20-58.4A (Electronic lien system), as the title indicates. Requires the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to implement a statewide electronic lien system no later than July 1, 2014. Directs the DMV to contract with a qualified vendor to implement this statewide electronic lien system. Provides minimum standards for the DMV to consider in contracting with a vendor. Mandates participation in the electronic lien system by all individuals and lienholders normally engaged in the business or practice of financing motor vehicles beginning July 1, 2015. Provides that an electronic notice or release is to have the same force and effect as a paper document of notice or release as provided under GS 20-58 through GS 20-58.8. Directs the DMV to adopt rules to implement this section. Authorizes the DMV, the qualified vendor, and up to five lienholders to conduct a pilot program of the electronic lien system for up to a 90-day period prior to the statewide implementation of the system. Requires the DMV to report, no later than October 1, 2013, to the chairs of the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee on the status of the implementation of the electronic lien system.