Amends GS 163-82.19, to require that, in addition to requiring the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to modify its forms so that any eligible person who applies for original issuance, renewal, or correction of a driver's license or special identification card issued under GS 20-37.7, the person must (was, the person may) complete an application to register to vote, or to update the voter's registration if the voter has changed his or her address or moved from one precinct to another or from one county to another, on part of the form. Also provides that, in addition to providing the information requested in subsection (a) of the statute and listed under GS 163-82.4, an applicant must provide a notation on the form attesting that the applicant meets all the voter eligibility requirements, including United States citizenship, and whether the applicant affirmatively declined to become a registered voter while conducting business at the drivers license office.
Provides that all applications are to be forwarded by the Department of Transportation (Department) to the appropriate board of elections no later than five business days after the date of acceptance according to rules which are to be promulgated by the State Board of Elections, unless an applicant affirmatively declines to become a registered voter or update the applicant's voter registration while at the driver's license office (currently, there is no unless clause). Establishes that nothing in GS 163-82.19(a), as amended, is to be construed as requiring the Department to determine eligibility for voter registration and voting.
Effective January 1, 2017, and applies to elections held on or after that date.
Appropriates $250,000 from the General Fund to the State Board of Elections for the 2016-17 fiscal year for the purpose of implementing the requirements for automatic voter registration under the act. Effective July 1, 2016.
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Bill S 854 (2015-2016)Summary date: May 11 2016 - View Summary