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  • Summary date: Jun 24 2013 - View Summary

    AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CRAMERTON. Enacted June 20, 2013. Effective June 20, 2013. 

  • Summary date: Jun 11 2013 - View Summary

    Senate committee substitute to the 2nd edition makes the following changes.

    Amends the Cramerton Charter as follows. Requires that two members of the Board of Commissioners (Board) be elected in 2013 and quadrennially thereafter for four-year terms, and that three members be elected in 2015 and quadrennially thereafter for four-year terms (was, five elected in 2013 with the two receiving the most votes elected to four-year terms, with the other three elected to two-year terms, with three members elected in 2015 and quadrennially thereafter to four-year terms, and two members elected in 2017 and quadrennially thereafter to four-year terms).

    Removes the requirement that Robert's Rules of Order govern the Board's proceedings.

    Adds that members of the Board serving on the date of the ratification of the Charter will complete the remainder of their terms, with their positions filled as the terms expire.

  • Summary date: May 6 2013 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Makes changes to Article III, Sec 3.2, of the Cramerton Town Charter (Charter)pertaining to the terms of office and related provisions for the election of the board of commissioners.

    Amends Article V, Section 5.5, of the Charter to provide that the town manager's authority includes assigning administrative duties to the town clerk. Amends Section 5.7 to clarify that the town manager (was, town) mayauthorize other appointments.

  • Summary date: Apr 4 2013 - View Summary

    Revises and consolidates the Cramerton Town Charter. Repeals SL 1967-1061 (incorporating the Town). Sets out provisions concerning incorporation and corporate powers and the corporate boundaries. Provides that the town is governed by the oard of commissioners and the mayor and sets out their terms and related provisions. Also provides for regular and special elections and referenda. Provides that the town will operate under a council-manager form of government and provides for the appointment of a town attorney, clerk, tax collector, and administration and department heads.

    Provides that the act does not affect terms of the current mayor and board of commissioners nor does it abate or affect any action of proceedings pending at the effective date of the act. Specifies statutes and session laws not affected by the act.

  • Summary date: Apr 3 2013 - View Summary

    To be summarized.