Identical to S 501 filed on 3/25/15.
Amends GS 75-101, concerning telephone solicitations, providing that creating a lead or referral for which the solicitor will receive compensation is considered telephone solicitation. Also amends the definition for telephone solicitor providing that subagents, contractors, or other third-party vendors are considered telephone solicitors. Also provides that the term includes parties that receive sales leads or inbound calls from a telephone subscriber that knows or has reason to know that the lead or call from the subscriber was generated by a telephone call.
Amends GS 75-102(c)(5), concerning restrictions on telephone solicitation, providing that after the specified notice requirements have been met in this subsection that the telephone solicitor and that affiliate must stop all calls to the telephone subscriber within 30 business days (was, 60 business days).
Amends GS 75-104 clarifying that the prohibition on the use of automatic dialing and recorded message players to make unsolicited calls applies to individuals, whether the calls were made directly or through a salesperson, agent, subagent, contractor, or third party vendor. Adds provision providing that any party that knows or has reason to know that the sales leads or inbound calls they are receiving were generated by calls placed by another party or parties violating the provisions of this section are jointly liable for each call or lead that was received or accepted.
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Bill H 519 (2015-2016)Summary date: Apr 2 2015 - View Summary