Identical to S 43 filed on 2/5/15.
Amends GS 20-37.13(c1), providing that the DMV may waive the commercial driver's license skills test for any qualified military applicant if the applicant is currently licensed at the time of application and meets several qualifications, including, but not limited to, providing evidence that the applicant is a retired, discharged, or current member of an active or reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States and is regularly employed or was regularly employed in a military position that required operation of a commercial vehicle within the one-year period (was, 90-day period) immediately preceding the date of application. Makes conforming changes.
Enacts new GS 20-37.13(c2) providing clarifying language and establishing that the above one-year period applies unless a different period is provided by federal law. Specifies what forms and documents are acceptable to prove and certify that the applicant is a retired, discharged, or current member of an active or reserve component.
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Bill H 319 (2015-2016)Summary date: Mar 19 2015 - View Summary