Amends GS 20-362 to provide that, except as otherwise provided, a professional housemover with a permit from the Department of Transportation (Department) for moves on the State Highway System of roads assumes all responsibility for injury to persons or damage to property of any kind resulting from the housemoving. Holds the manufacturer and permittee jointly and severally liable for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from the transport of mobile homes, manufactured homes, or modular homes from the manufacturer to the first retail dealer location. Provides that if the mobile home, manufactured home, or modular home is being transported from the manufacturer directly to the first set‑up site, then the manufacturer and permittee are be jointly and severally liable for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from the transport from the manufacturer directly to the first set‑up site. Holds the licensed retail dealer and permittee jointly and severally liable for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from the transport of mobile homes, manufactured homes, or modular homes from the retail dealer location to the first set‑up site. Holds the Department harmless for any claims arising out of the conduct or actions of a permittee.
Makes conforming changes, to the definition of House in GS 20-356.
Effective October 1, 2015, and applies to injuries to persons or damage to property resulting from housemovings on or after that date.
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Bill S 355 (2015-2016)Summary date: Mar 19 2015 - View Summary