AN ACT TO CHANGE THE MANNER OF SELECTION OF CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF ISOTHERMAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Enacted September 21, 2015. Effective September 21, 2015, and applies to appointments to terms beginning on or after July 1, 2016.
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Bill H 188 (2015-2016)Summary date: Sep 21 2015 - View Summary
Bill H 188 (2015-2016)Summary date: Sep 17 2015 - View Summary
Senate amendment makes the following changes to the 3rd edition.
Adjusts the staggering of terms of members of the Board of Trustees of Isothermal Community College so that the Rutherford County Commissioners appoint two trustees in each of 2016, 2017, and 2019, and just one trustee in 2018 (was, 2017).
Delays the dates of appointment of trustees chosen by the Polk County Commissioners by one year to stagger their terms against those of trustees chosen by the Rutherford County Commissioners.
Bill H 188 (2015-2016)Summary date: Sep 16 2015 - View Summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 2nd edition.
Amends the commencement date for the staggered terms of the trustees elected to the board of trustees of Isothermal Community College by the Rutherford County Commissioners and the Polk County Commissioners. Provides that each specified term and appointment is to be moved up one year in the future, beginning with terms that were set to begin on July 1, 2015, now being set for July 1, 2016, so forth and so on.
Makes conforming changes to the effective date provisions.
Bill H 188 (2015-2016)Summary date: Mar 31 2015 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Increases the number of members on the board of trustees for Isothermal Community College to 15 (was, 13).
Provides that there are to be seven trustees elected by the Rutherford County Commissioners. Directs the Rutherford County Commissioners to ensure that, among those appointments, at least one member has experience in small business, one member has experiences in private sector accounting or budgeting, and one member has experience in building maintenance or equipment.
Provides that there are to be three members elected by the Polk County Commissioners. Directs the Polk County Commissioners to ensure that, among those appointments, at least one member has experience in small business.
Retains provision from the first edition for four trustees appointed by the Governor and the president of the student government or the chair of the executive board of the student body as an ex-officio nonvoting member of the Board.
No longer includes any appointments to the Board of Trustees by the General Assembly.
Provides that the requirement to appoint members with certain background experiences must be met no later than July 1, 2018.
Continues to provide that this act applies only to Isothermal Community College.
Bill H 188 (2015-2016)Summary date: Mar 10 2015 - View Summary
Amends GS 115D-12(a) as the title indicates. Provides for 4 trustees of the 13-member board of trustees for Isothermal Community College to be appointed by the General Assembly and specifies the schedule for the appointments and the filling of vacancies as necessary. Previously, 4 trustees were elected by the board of education for the public school administrative unit located in the administrative area of a community college. Provisions of this act apply only to Isothermal Community College. Applies to appointments to terms beginning on or after July 1, 2015.