Senate amendment makes the following changes to the 5th edition.
Amends the long title.
Deletes language that added the term and definition of existing hospital for use in the Hospital Licensure Act found in GS Chapter 131E, Article 5. Also deletes language that deemed existing hospitals operational for the purposes of the Hospital Licensure Act as well as exempting them from certificate of need review upon written notice that the hospital will be opening within 36 months.
Amends GS 131E-184 to exempt a Legacy Medical Care Facility from certificate of need review when being acquired or reopened. Requires the operator of the facility to submit written notice to the Department of Health and Human Services concerning its intention to acquire or reopen a Legacy Medical Care Facility and that it will be operational within 36 months of the notice.
Amends GS 131E-76, the definitions for use in the Hospital Licensure Act, adding and defining Legacy Medical Care Facility to mean an institution that (1) is not presently operating, (2) has not continuously operated for at least the last six months, and (3) within the last 24 months has been operated by a person holding a license pursuant to GS 131E-77 and was primarily engaged in providing inpatients specified services by or under the care and supervision of physicians.
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Bill H 20 (2015-2016)Summary date: Sep 17 2015 - View Summary
Bill H 20 (2015-2016)Summary date: Sep 16 2015 - View Summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 4th edition.
Amends the short and long titles.
Deletes proposed changes made to GS 58-2-70, which added pharmacy benefits manager to the list of individuals for which the civil penalties apply for violations of the provisions of GS Chapter 58 (Insurance).
Enacts new GS 58-56A-10, Civil penalties for violations; administrative procedure, to Article 56A of Chapter 58, which specifically concerns the management of pharmacy benefits, subjecting pharmacy benefits managers to civil penalties for specified violations, if such violations are deemed to be a general business practice. More specifically, provides for the Commissioner of Insurance to assess monetary penalties or petition the Wake County Superior Court for an order of restitution. Specifies that monetary penalties can range from $100 to $1,000 per day per prescription drug for each prescription found to be improperly reimbursed. Allows the Commissioner of Insurance to petition for restitution to the victim or for the reimbursement of Department costs related to the investigation and hearing. Also allows the Commissioner of Insurance to contract with consultants and other professionals for the purposes of such investigations and hearings. Effective July 1, 2016.
Enacts new GS 131E-13(h), concerning the lease or sale of a hospital by a municipality or hospital authority, providing that a municipality or hospital authority can solicit additional, new prospective lessees or buyers if all specified sale requirements have been complied with and after good faith negotiations no lease, sale, or conveyance has been approved. Provides that such solicitation cannot occur before 120 days have passed since the public hearing concerning the transaction was held. Provides that, once new lessees or buyers have been solicited, any lease, sale, or conveyance can be approved without repeating compliance with the initial requirements for such a transaction. Sets out the following four exceptions to approving a transaction without repeating compliance requirements: (1) requiring providing information concerning charges, services, and indigent care at similar facilities currently owned or operated by the proposed lessee or buyer; (2) requiring that the municipality or authority declares its intent to approve the transaction at a meeting held on 10 day's public notice as specified; (3) not approving the transaction until 10 days have passed since the meeting required above; and (4) making the proposed contract available to the public at least 10 days before the above required meeting.
Amends GS 131E-76, the definitions for use in the Hospital Licensure Act, adding and defining existing hospital to mean a hospital that currently or within the last 24 months has (1) held or voluntarily surrendered a hospital license, (2) serves or served patients, (3) is or was staffed, and (4) has or had appropriate equipment.
Provides that existing hospitals as defined above are deemed operational for the purposes of the Hospital Licensure Act and are exempt from certificate of need review if written notice is received by the Division of Health Service Regulation from the hospital that it will be opening within 36 months of the notice.
Repeals GS Chapter 90, Article 1E (Certificate of Public Advantage) and GS Chapter 131E, Article 9A (Certificate of Public Advantage). Effective January 1, 2017.
Bill H 20 (2015-2016)Summary date: Jul 21 2015 - View Summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 3rd edition.
Amends the short and long titles.
Amends GS 58-2-70 to add pharmacy benefits manager to the list of individuals for which the civil penalties apply to for violations of the provisions of GS Chapter 58 (Insurance). More specifically allows the assessment of monetary penalties or restitution when the Commissioner of Insurance has reason to believe that a pharmacy benefits manager has failed to review and maintain its maximum allowable cost price list as specified and in comparison with the national marketplace for prescription drugs. Authorizes the Commissioner of Insurance to impose additional monetary penalties of up to $1,000 per prescription, for prescriptions found to have been improperly reimbursed as a result of noncompliance with the maximum allowable cost price list requirements.
Makes conforming and technical changes.
Above changes are effective when the act becomes law.
Bill H 20 (2015-2016)Summary date: Apr 29 2015 - View Summary
House amendment makes the following changes to the 2nd edition.
Amends GS 130A-221.5 to add three additional age intervals at which parent education on diabetes and its symptoms are to be discussed.
Bill H 20 (2015-2016)Summary date: Apr 27 2015 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Amends proposed GS 130A-221.5 to no longer require a diabetes screening and instead encourages those providing well child care to educate and discuss the warning signs of Type I diabetes and symptoms with each parent at least once at the specified age intervals.
Amends the act's short and long titles.
Bill H 20 (2015-2016)Summary date: Jan 28 2015 - View Summary
Enacts new GS 130A-221.5 to provide that every physician, physician's assistant, or certified nurse practitioner that provides well-child care must ensure that diabetes screening is performed for each child under their care at least once at the following age intervals, (1) birth, (2) 12 months of age, and (3) 24 months of age.
Effective October 1, 2015.