House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition.
Deletes all provisions of 1st edition and replaces with AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO STUDY ISSUES RELATED TO HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION FORECLOSURE OF PROPERTY WHERE THE DEBT SECURING THE ASSOCIATION ASSESSMENT LIEN CONSISTS OF UNPAID HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION DUES OR OTHER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH UNPAID HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION DUES. Authorizes the General Assembly as title indicates. Permits the study committee to make an interim report to the 2011 General Assembly when it convenes in 2012, and a final report to the 2013 General Assembly.
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Bill H 183 (2011-2012)Summary date: May 31 2011 - View Summary
Bill H 183 (2011-2012)Summary date: Feb 24 2011 - View Summary
Enacts new subsections in GS 47A-22 (concerning the Unit Ownership Act), GS 47C-3-116 (Condominium Act), and GS 47F-3-116 (Planned Community Act) to prohibit the association from foreclosing an association assessment lien, as specified, if the debt securing the lien consists solely of unpaid association dues, interest or late fees on unpaid dues, or attorneys’ fees incurred by the association solely associated with unpaid dues. Allows the association to collect the lien as a money judgment. Effective for assessments for homeowners association dues levied and proceedings for collection commenced on or after October 1, 2011.