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View NCGA Bill Details2023-2024 Session
House Bill 50 (Public) Filed Thursday, February 2, 2023
Intro. by Chesser, D. Hall, K. Hall, Saine.

Status: Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) (Feb 27 2023)

SOG comments (2):

Long title change

Committee substitute to the 1st edition changed the long title. Original long title was AN ACT TO REPEAL PISTOL PURCHASE PERMITS.

Long title change

Committee substitute to the 2nd edition changed the long title. Previous long title was AN ACT TO REPEAL PISTOL PURCHASE PERMITS AND TO CREATE THE CRIME OF MISDEMEANOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.

H 50

Bill Summaries:

  • Summary date: Feb 15 2023 - View Summary

    House committee substitute to the 2nd edition makes the following changes.

    Deletes proposed GS 14-32.5, which made it a Class A1 misdemeanor to use or attempt to use physical force, or threaten the use of a deadly weapon, against another person if the person committing the offense is a: (1) current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim; (2) person with whom the victim shares a child; (3) person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian; or (4) person similarly situated to a spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim. Make a conforming deletion of the amendment to GS 14-415.12. Make conforming changes to the act’s long title.

  • Summary date: Feb 15 2023 - View Summary

    House committee substitute to the 1st edition adds the following. 

    Enacts new GS 14-32.5 making it a Class A1 misdemeanor to use or attempt to use physical force, or threaten the use of a deadly weapon, against another person if the person committing the offense is a: (1) current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim; (2) person with whom the victim shares a child; (3) person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian; or (4) person similarly situated to a spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim. Amends GS 14-415.12, to allow a sheriff to deny a concealed handgun permit to an applicant who has been found guilty or received a prayer for judgment continued or suspended sentence of this new statute. Applies to offenses committed on or after December 1, 2023.

    Make conforming changes, including changing the act's long title.

  • Summary date: Feb 6 2023 - View Summary

    Identical to S 40, filed 1/30/23.

    Repeals the following statutes concerning pistol permits: GS 14-402 (forbidding sale of pistols without permit), GS 14-403 (concerning issuance of a permit to purchase a pistol), GS 14-404 (concerning permit denials) and GS 14-405 (concerning confidentiality and record keeping requirements). Repeals GS 14-407.1 (concerning permits for the purchase of blank cartridge pistols). Repeals GS 14-315(b1)(1) (setting out the defense for selling a weapon to a minor that the minor produced a permit under now repealed GS 14-402). Repeals GS 122C-54(d2) (giving a sheriff access to a record of involuntary commitment for mental health treatment or for substance abuse treatment that is required to be reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) by GS 14-409.43, for the purposes of conducting background checks under now repealed GS 14-404).

    Provides that prosecutions for offenses committed before the effective date of this act are not abated or affected by this act, and the statutes that would be applicable but for this act remain applicable to those prosecutions.