Bill Summary for S 739 (2013-2014)
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Bill summary
Repeals Section 19(c) of SL 2013-413, which was to become effective October 1, 2014, and was to require that carbon monoxide detectors receive primary power from the building's wiring where the wiring is served from a commercial source and receive power from a battery when the primary power source is interrupted. Makes conforming changes to defunct effective dates in SL 2013-413.
Amends GS 143-138(b2), concerning carbon monoxide alarms (CMA), providing updates to the requirements for CMAs in hotels, allowing, in lieu of requiring a CMA in a lodging establishment a carbon monoxide detection system, with detectors and audible notification appliances installed and properly maintained. Requires CMAs in every dwelling unit having a combustion (was, fossil fuel) heater. Makes the rules for lodging establishments also applicable to tourist homes providing accomodations for seven or more days, and bed and breakfast inns, and homes. Defines combustion heater, appliance, or fireplace for use in this section.
Directs the Building Code Council (BCC) to modify the NC State Building Code (Code) to reflect and regulate the provisions of GS 143-138(b2) in new and existing lodging establishments. Provides that the BCC can establish more stringent rules regulating CMAs and detectors if so desired. Directs the BCC to modify the Code to include an annual inspection for the purpose of verifying compliance with GS 143-138(b2).
Outlines procedure for when a violation that poses an imminent hazard is discovered and is not corrected upon inspection. Procedures include the code official immediately contacting the local health director/designee for the county where the violation was discovered by verbal contact and also submitting a written report documenting the violation to said director. The local health director is then obligated to investigate and take appropriate action regarding the permit of the lodging establishment within one working day of the reciept of the written report.
Violations that are discovered but do not pose imminent hazard, but are not corrected during an inspection, are subject to a correction period of three working days during which the owner or operator can submit a notice, verbal or written, that the violation has been corrected. If the code official receives such notice, a re-inspection can be performed. If no such notice is received, the code official will submit a report to the local health director within three working days. The local health director is then obligated to investigate and take appropriate action regarding the permit of the lodging establishment.
Makes technical and conforming changes, updating language of GS 143-138(b2).
Amends GS 130A-248(g), deleting language that required all hotels, motels, tourist homes, and other establishments that provide lodging for pay to install either a battery-operated or electric carbon monoxide detector in every enclosed space meeting specified conditions. Provides new language that requires those establishments to comply with requirements of GS 143-138(b2)(2). Provides that after receiving notification of a violation of GS 143-138(b2)(2) by specified code official, the local health department can suspend permits issued pursuant to GS 130A-248.