Amends GS 95-25.5 to created a limited exception from the prohibition from occupations found and declared to be detrimental to the health and well-being of youth by the Commissioner of Labor pursuant to the statute, authorizing youth to participate in a supervised, practice experience in an occupation with an employer. Limits the exception to youth who are at least 16 and less than 18 years of age. Details conditions that must be met under the exception, including: (1) for the youth to be enrolled in a public or nonpublic school partnering with the employer to offer the experience and (2) for the school to have entered into a written agreement with the employer for the operation of the experience that minimally includes five specified terms concerning the work of the occupation found detrimental by the Commissioner of Labor, including requiring the work to be intermittent and in short periods of time, and requiring the employer to give safety instructions and training to the youth before performing the work. Requires the terms of the agreement to be consistent with the specified guidance published by the US Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. Applies to participation of youth in practical experience programs on or after the date the act becomes law.