Enacts the following provisions to Chapter VII of the Charter of the City of Greensboro, SL 1959-1137, as amended. Authorizes the City to establish a race- and gender-neutral small business enterprise program to promote the development of small businesses and enhance the opportunities for small businesses to participate in City contracts. Provides the City flexibility to establish bid and proposal specifications and define the term "small business enterprise" as appropriate and consistent with the City's contracting practices. Authorizes the City to refuse to award a contract to a bidder who was considered based on its efforts to comply with the program requirements but is determined to have failed to do so. Provides that the program is intended to supplement specified public contract requirements. Requires goals or efforts established to achieve veteran, minority, and women's business participation pursuant to state law to take precedence over the goals of the program. Deems the program consistent with State policy to promote and utilize small business enterprises consistent with state law.