Amends GS 20-146.2 to exempt plug-in electric vehicles from HOV lane restrictions. Makes technical corrections. Amends GS 20-183.2(b) to exempt plug-in electric vehicles from emissions inspections. Enacts GS 20-4.01(28a) to define a plug-in electric vehicle as a four wheeled vehicle that (1) is made primarily for use on public streets, roads, and highways; (2) has not been modified from its original manufacturer specifications; (3) is rated at no more than 8,500 pounds unloaded gross vehicle weight; (4) has a maximum speed of at least 65 mph; and (5) draws electricity from a battery with a capacity of no less than four kilowatt hours that can be recharged from an external electricity source, and that is acquired by the taxpayer on or after October 1, 2010.