Effective July 1, 2023, appropriates $10 million in nonrecurring funds for fiscal year 2023-24 from the General Fund to the Office of State Budget and Management for a grant to the nonprofit Carolina Farm Trust, which addresses food sustainability and overall health/nutrition. Authorizes funds for three things: (1) "Farm Apprentice Program": academic and career development in regional agriculture and the creation of teams that will support rural farmers in infrastructure and emergency management projects; (2) "Food and Health Program": support for community chronic health issues and general wellness, creation of relationships in partnerships with trained health care workers, affordable/accessible produce for the community, and establishment of a database to support the program; and (3) "Agriculture Distribution Platform": enable communities to maintain a strong regional food economy, build a 3,000 square foot regional kitchen with a "learning kitchen" and event space, increase the number of regional meat processing facilities, and support regional supply chains to support small farmers.