House amendment makes the following changes to 2nd edition. Deletes provision transferring $17.5 million from the General Fund to the Escheat Fund as payment on the outstanding loan to the Global Transpark Authority (Authority), and instead appropriates to Statewide Reserves $17.5 million for the Escheat Fund. Directs the Office of State Budget and Management to remit to the Escheat Fund $17.5 million as payment of the outstanding loan to the Authority. Deletes provision reducing the appropriation for the UNC Need-Based Financial Aid Program by $17.5 million. Adds a section providing that, if House Bill 200 (Appropriations Act of 2011) becomes law, then Section 2.1 of HB 200 is rewritten to decrease the appropriation to Related Educational Programs and add a $17.5 million appropriation to the Escheat Fund. Makes conforming changes.