Senate amendment makes the following changes to 4th edition. Provides that for the purpose of calculating the four consecutive terms limitation for the Speaker of the House of Representatives (Speaker), service as Speaker in any part of a two-year term of the General Assembly is counted as service as Speaker in that General Assembly (was, provided that only service as Speaker for any part of an odd-numbered year constituted service as Speaker for that General Assembly).
Provides that for the purpose of calculating the four consecutive terms limitation for the President Pro Tempore of the Senate (President Pro Tem), service as President Pro Tem in any part of a two-year term of the General Assembly is counted as service as President Pro Tem in that General Assembly (was, provided that only service as President Pro Tem for any part of an odd-numbered year constituted service as President Pro Tem for that General Assembly).
Deletes proposed amendments to Sections 14 and 15 of Article II of the NC Constitution, which provided that the initial convening of a regular session of the General Assembly after the members’ terms begin constitutes a new General Assembly for the purposes of Section 14 and 15 of Article II.