Amends GS 20-4.01 (motor vehicle related definitions) to define “neighborhood occupantless vehicle,” as a low-speed fully autonomous vehicle designed to be operated without an occupant and used for cargo. Amends Article 3 of Chapter 20 of the General Statutes (Motor Vehicle Act of 1937 – motor vehicle regulations) to add GS 20-121 authorizing the operation of neighborhood occupantless vehicle on streets and highways with a speed limit of 45MPH or less and requiring neighborhood occupantless vehicles to operate on the far right of the roadway when not turning left and to pull off the roadway when there are five or more cars behind it that cannot safely pass on highways with two lanes. Also defines “operator” for purposes of neighborhood occupantless vehicles and exempts fully autonomous vehicles designed to be operated exclusively and at all times by an automated driving system from regulations requiring installation, maintenance, or inspection of equipment necessary for vehicles with human drivers, but not necessary for autonomous vehicles. Effective October 1, 2021.