House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Deletes all amendments and provisions of previous edition except those directing the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to provide statewide outreach and technical assistance related to water efficiency, including best management practices addressing at least eight enumerated practices. Rewrites GS 143-355(l) to require local water supply plans to include a plan for the reduction of long-term per capita demand for potable water. Rewrites GS 143-355.4(b)(7) to require a local government or large community water system to demonstrate that it has implemented a consumer education program that emphasizes the importance of water conservation and that includes information on measures that residential customers may implement to reduce water consumption in order to be eligible for specified water infrastructure funds. Amends GS 159-52(a), permitting the Local Government Commission to consider whether the local government has prepared a local water supply plan if the proposed bond issue is for a water system described in GS 159-48(b)(21). Clarifies that nothing in the act is to be construed to authorize the adoption of rules necessary to implement the act or construed to negatively impact economic development. Effective October 1, 2011.