House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Deletes provisions concerning the pilot program and provides the following. Allows the Department of Transportation (DOT) to create a statewide pilot program for cost-sharing with private developers for transportation improvements in circumstances where the nature of the developer-constructed facilities are atypical in size, scope, or complexity. Requires the creation of Cost Sharing Project Boundary Delineation that identifies the properties captured in the pilot program that would be affected by the developer-constructed facilities. Allows for the creation of an allocation formula that allows for the initial developer to be reimbursed as secondary developers impact the system. Limits reimbursements to payments from a developer constructing transportation improvements at the time of driveway permit approval. Provides that nothing in the statute obligates DOT to custodial responsibility for managing or distributing monies in the application of the program. Retains the reporting requirement and effective date from the 1st edition.