Amends GS 136-28.6 to authorize the Department of Transportation (DOT) to create a statewide pilot program to participate in cost-sharing for transportation improvements and allows DOT to create a fair share allocation formula and other procedures to facilitate the pilot program. Require the formula to uniformly determine the value of transportation improvements and apportion these costs among applicable parties. Allows transportation improvement projects developed under the pilot program to provide for ingress and egress to new additional private development before acceptance of the improved portion of the roads constructed providing access to the development by the State or local government for maintenance as a public street or highway. For the purposes of this pilot program, funds collected by DOT may be administered and managed in the same way as a public enterprise improvement. Requires DOT to report on the pilot program to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations and the Fiscal Research Division of the Legislative Services Commission no later than the convening date of the 2021 regular session of the General Assembly. Effective July 1, 2013.