Establishes the 14 member Arts Education Commission (Commission) to do the following: (1) review, prioritize, and recommend implementation strategies for the recommendations of the Comprehensive Arts Education Plan for K-12; (2) recommend the content and process to establish an arts education report card; (3) recommend ways to assess and promote opportunities for students to learn the skills of creativity and innovation; (4) work with the Department of Instruction on the creation of arts education assessment models based on existing assessments and tests; (5) recommend the establishment of arts education accountability incentives for schools under the accountability component of the Accountability and Curriculum Reform Effort for specified areas; and (6) study and recommend a permanent financing strategy for K-12 arts education. Provides for Commission membership, filling of vacancies, member compensation, and Commission administration. Requires the Commission to report to the 2012 Regular Session of the General Assembly by May 1, 2012, at which time the Commission terminates.