Please note: this is a corrected digest for H 755, originally published in the April 7, 2011, Daily Bulletin.
Amends definitions in GS Chapter 113, Subchapter IV, “Conservation of Marine and Estuarine and Wildlife Resources” so that the terms “fur-bearing animals” and “game animals” include coyote, gray fox, and red fox. The following two provisions become effective October 1, 2011: adds red foxes, gray foxes, and bobcats to list of animals that may be taken with electronic calling devices; and, adds bobcats, coyotes, gray foxes, and red foxes to the list of animals that may be hunted by certain handguns and ammunition prescribed by the Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC). Eliminates existing provisions concerning hunting of foxes in GS 113-291.4. Allows WRC to adopt rules for an open season for taking red and gray foxes and coyotes with firearms. Clarifies that WRC regulations concerning foxes trump previously existing local bills concerning hunting of foxes and eliminates certain local bills from list of local bills that are not trumped by WRC regulations contained in GS 113-133.1(e). Provisions concerning local bills become effective as of the effective date of rules adopted by WRC establishing open season on trapping of foxes.