Applicable only to Davidson County, amends GS 153A-343 by enacting a new subsection (e) authorizing the board of commissioners to delegate to the planning board by ordinance the authority to conduct the public hearing required under Article 18 of GS Chapter 153A (Planning and Regulation of Development) and make the final decision on zoning map amendment proposals, including the adoption of a consistency statement pursuant to GS 153A-341. Allows the board of commissioners to prescribe procedures for the public hearing not inconsistent with Article 18 of GS Chapter 153A. Requires the planning board to make its final decision by majority vote of the members of the planning board. Sets forth a right of appeal of a planning board decision made pursuant to this new subsection for any person with standing to the board of commissioners by way of written notice to the county clerk within 15 days of the final decision. Allows the board of commissioners to charge the costs of the hearing on appeal to the appealing party. Requires the board of commissioners to review the planning board's decision de novo. Allows the zoning map amendment proposals to be placed on the consent agenda for discussion or action at the next regular meeting of the board of commissioners if no notice of appeal is provided within 15 days of the planning board's decision. Allows the board of commissioners to rescind or modify any authority delegated to the planning board pursuant to this subsection by ordinance.