Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 2nd edition. Deletes all provisions of the 2nd edition and replaces it with AN ACT TO EXERCISE THE POWER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY UNDER SECTION 1 OF ARTICLE VII OF THE NORTH CAROLINA CONSTITUTION TO FIX THE BOUNDARIES OF CITIES AND GIVE SUCH POWERS TO CITIES AS IT DEEMS ADVISABLE BY DEANNEXING SPECIFIED LOCAL INVOLUNTARY ANNEXATION AREAS, BY REPEALING SPECIFIED INVOLUNTARY ANNEXATION ORDINANCES, AND BY PROHIBITING MUNICIPAL INITIATION OF ANY PROCEDURE TO INVOLUNTARILY ANNEX THOSE AREAS FOR TWELVE YEARS. As title indicates. Repeals the following involuntary annexation ordinances and prohibits involuntary annexation of the following for 12 years: (1) Kinston, as described in 1st edition of House Bill 5, 2011 session; (2) Lexington, as described in 1st edition of House Bill 37, 2011 session; (3) Rocky Mount, as described in 1st edition of House Bill 56, 2011 session; (4) Wilmington, as described in 1st edition of House Bill 180, 2011 session; (5) Asheville/Biltmore Lake as described in 1st edition of House Bill 236, 2011 session; (6) Marvin ordinance, affecting the area described in specified village council ordinance; (7) Southport ordinance, affecting areas A and B, as described; (8) Goldsboro, as described in 1st edition of Senate Bill 314, 2011 session; and (9) Fayetteville Gates Four, as described in 1st edition of House Bill 231, 2011 session. Makes conforming repeals of SL 2011-173 and SL 2011-177. Effective July 1, 2012.