Enacts new GS 122C-263A to allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary), when requested by an LME, to waive specified requirements related to initial (first-level) exams by a doctor or eligible psychologist of individuals meeting specified statutory requirements. Requires that the Secretary receive a request from an LME (including specifically described information) to substitute a listed medical professional to conduct the initial exam of individuals meeting the criteria of GS 122C-261(a) (concerning involuntary commitment of mentally ill) or GS 122C-281(a) (concerning involuntary commitment of substance abusers). Requires the Secretary to review the request and allows for the request to be approved if the request meets the statute’s requirements, the request furthers the purposes of state policy and mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services reform, and the request improves the delivery of mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services in the counties affected by the waiver and protects the health, safety, and welfare of individuals receiving those services. A waiver remains in effect for three years. Requires the LME to assure that a doctor is available at all times to provide backup support if necessary. Requires the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services to expand its standardized certification training program to include refresher training for all certified providers performing first examinations.
Effective October 1, 2011.