Applicable to Brunswick County only, amends SL 1985-840 as follows. Makes it unlawful for any person to hunt any animal or bird from or across the right-of-way of any public road without permission of the owner or lessee of the land abutting the right-of-way from which he is hunting. Expands the prohibition to also prohibit hunting any animal or bird, or from discharging a firearm (except for identified law enforcement authorities acting in their official duties), from or across the right-of-way of any of the US Department of Defense railroad connecting the Leland rail yard interchange with the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point. Increases the minimum fines set forth for violations of the act to at least $50 and no more than $100 (was, at least $10 and no more than $50) for a first conviction as an alternative to imprisonment of up to 30 days, and at least $150 and no more than $250 (was, at least $50 and no more than $200) for subsequent convictions within three years as an alternative or in addition to up to 90 days of imprisonment. Expands enforcement authority to include sworn civilian police officers for the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point. Applies to offenses committed on or after October 1, 2021.