Allows a charter school, for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year, to provide in-person instruction to any grade level under Plan A (Minimal Social Distancing) in accordance with the StrongSchoolsNC Public Health Toolkit 8 (K-12) (Toolkit), as that guidance existed on March 4, 2021. Requires a charter school that decides to provide in-person instruction under Plan A to grades 6-12 to: (1) notify the Department of Health and Human Services and describe the school's plan for moving to Plan A for grades 6-12 before it begins Plan A instruction; (2) partner with the ABC Science Collaborative of the School of Medicine at Duke University (ABC Collaborative) to allow the ABC Collaborative to collect and analyze data from those units for students in Plan A in grades 6-12; and (3) engage in robust contact tracing and report on requested information in the form specified by the ABC Collaborative.