Bill Summary for H 1111 (2021-2022)
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AN ACT TO MODERNIZE STI TRANSIT FUNDING.Intro. by Belk, Brown, Alston, Morey.
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Bill summary
Amends GS 136-189.10 to add to the definition of statewide strategic mobility projects, applicable to Article 14B and the prescribed Transportation Investment Strategy Formula (Formula) used to distribute funds from the Highway Trust Fund and federal aid funds to categories of projects. Expands the term to include public transportation service that spans four or more counties and that serves more than three municipalities. Revises the parameters of projects relating to public transportation service spanning two or more counties that serve more than one municipality, categorized as regional impact projects under the provisions of the Formula, to repeal language (1) limiting programmed funds for these projects at 10% of any distribution region allocation; (2) prohibiting total State funding for a commuter rail or light rail project from exceeding the lesser of 10% of the distribution region allocation or 10% of the estimated total project costs used during the prioritization scoring process. Repeals GS 136-189.11(d1), which prohibits expending State funding for a light rail project until a written agreement is provided to the Department of Transportation (DOT) establishing that all non-State funding necessary to construct the project has been committed. Makes conforming repeals.
Appropriates $50,000 from the Highway Fund to DOT for 2022-23 to hire a transit grant coordinator to identify opportunities to capture federal mass transit funding on existing proposed mass transit corridors.