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View NCGA Bill Details(link is external)2023-2024 Session
Senate Bill 275 (Public) Filed Thursday, March 9, 2023
Intro. by Jarvis, Moffitt, McInnis.

Status: Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate action) (Mar 13 2023)

SOG comments (1):

Identical bill

Identical to H 332, filed 3/9/23.

S 275

Bill Summaries:

  • Summary date: Mar 9 2023 - View Summary

    Enacts GS 160D-1110.1, requiring local governments to complete review of commercial and multifamily building plans submitted with a permit application sealed by a licensed engineer or licensed architect and issue applicable building permit decisions within 21 days unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Requires the local government to issue all applicable permits within 15 days after receiving additional requested information or a resubmitted plan with changes from the permit applicant. Authorizes local governments to use and contract with the Department of Insurance (DOI) or contract with licensed engineers or certified architects to perform plan reviews within the timeframe required. Allows the permit applicant to elect to use DOI or hire a licensed engineer or certified architect to review and certify the submitted plans if the local government fails to comply with the established timeframe. Requires the applicant to provide the local government with a written certification signed by the plan review that complies with application Building Codes and applicable State and local laws. Directs the local government to create a form for certification. Requires the local government to issue applicable permits for a project within 72 hours of accepting a completed plan review with certification, and refund or waive all applicable plan review and permit fees upon issuance of the permits. Releases the local government and inspection department from any liabilities, duties, or responsibilities under the Article or in common law arising from plans reviewed and certified by a third-party. Bars a local government from delaying or denying the issuance of applicable permits based on the receipt of requested manufacturer specifications or engineering information on an element, component, or fixture related to submitted plans. 

    Amends GS 143-151.8 to include persons contracting with a local government or a permit applicant to perform third-party plan reviews under new GS 160D-1110.1(c) in the definition of Code enforcement

    Amends GS 143-151.12 to require DOI to make its marketplace pool of qualified Code-enforcement officials available when requested by a permit applicant under new GS 160D-1110.1(c).

    Amends GS 143-151.13 to allow a licensed architect or licensed engineer who is not employed by the State or a local government to use a standard certificate, which authorizes practice as a qualified Code-enforcement official based on the license held, to perform third-party plans reviewed under GS 160D-1110.1(b) and (c).

    Applies to permit applications submitted on or after October 1, 2023.