Enacts new Article 12B, the Pedorthist Licensure Act, in GS Chapter 90. Defines the practice of pedorthics as the design, manufacture, modification, or fit of custom shoes, orthoses, and pedorthic devices to prevent or alleviate foot problems caused by disease, congenital defect, overuse, or injury. Provides additional definitions for terms used in the proposed Article. Requires that any person practicing or offering to practice pedorthics, on or after January 1, 2012, be licensed under proposed Article 12B.
Creates the seven- member North Carolina Pedorthist Licensure Board (Board). Provides criteria for member terms, the filling of vacancies, removal of members, qualification and compensation of members, the election of officers, and meetings.
Sets forth the powers and duties of the Board. Also provides licensure qualifications for pedorthists. Provides circumstances under which the Board may engage in reciprocity to grant a license to an applicant who holds a valid pedorthist license, certificate, or registration from another state. Sets fees for licensing and license renewal. Provides criteria for license renewal. Authorizes the Board to engage in disciplinary actions, including revoking and suspending an application or license, and details instances that may serve as the basis for disciplinary action. Also provides that the Board has the authority to reinstate a revoked license if it finds that the reason for the revocation no longer exists.
Authorizes the Board to apply to the superior court for injunctive relief against a person who is in violation of or about to violate the proposed Article. Also provides that a violation of the proposed Article is a Class 1 misdemeanor with a civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for each violation.
Specifies that a person who submits proof to the Board verifying that the person has been actively engaged in business as a pedorthist in NC for at least three consecutive years before the effective date of this act and pays the required licensing fee can be licensed without having to satisfy the requirements of new GS 90-202.26 (qualifications for licensure). States that any person who does not apply to the Board within one year of the effective date of this proposed act is required to meet all of the licensing requirements of the Board and the provisions of new GS 90-202.26.
Specifies that the initial pedorthists appointed to the Board need not meet the licensure requirements in the proposed Article, but must be pedorthists certified by the Board for Certification in Pedorthics and must apply for and obtain a license within 90 days after the Board begins issuing licenses.
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View NCGA Bill Details(link is external) | 2011-2012 Session |
Status: Ref To Com On Finance (Senate Action) (Mar 8 2011)
Bill History:
Mon, 7 Mar 2011 Senate: Filed(link is external)
Tue, 8 Mar 2011 Senate: Passed 1st Reading(link is external)
Tue, 8 Mar 2011 Senate: Ref To Com On Finance(link is external)
S 230
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Bill S 230 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 7 2011 - View Summary
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