Amends Article XIV of the NC Constitution by enacting a new Section 7, Medical cannabis protection act, which provides for, upon voter approval at the general election on November 4, 2014, the establishment of a regulated system for the use of medical cannabis to alleviate and treat debilitating medical conditions and their symptoms as well as to protect patients, physicians, and caregivers from prosecution.
Includes language to be on the ballot and submitted to the voters on November 4, 2014, for approval. If the amendment is approved then it is effective December 1, 2014.
Adds new Article 43, "North Carolina Medical Cannabis Act," to GS Chapter 90. Provides broad civil and criminal immunity for a "qualified patient" or a "designated caregiver" for purchasing or possessing cannabis for medical use if the quantity does not exceed an "adequate supply" for the patient as determined by his or her physician. Adequate supply is defined by the Act to, among other things, (1) apply only to cannabis from an intrastate source, (2) limit permitted supply or garden space to amount needed for 3-month period and not more than 24 ounces, (3) limit use to alleviating symptoms or effects of a debilitating medical condition (also defined in the act). Requires the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to issue "registry identification cards" to persons who qualify as qualified patients or designated caregivers, and provides that a card creates a rebuttable presumption of permissible use if the person does not possess more than an adequate supply. Specifies conditions under which provisions of the Act are applicable to minors. Prohibits a school, employer, or landlord from refusing to enroll, employ, or lease to, or to otherwise penalize, a person because of his or her status under the Act or the permissible possession or use of cannabis. Also provides immunity and protection from penalties for licensed producers of medical cannabis and for physicians for conduct consistent with the act. Provides other protections relating to conduct of law enforcement, child custody or visitation, constructive possession, and the unauthorized substances tax. Upon amendment approval, effective December 1, 2014.
The Act does not permit a person to control a motor vehicle, aircraft, or motorboat while impaired by cannabis; undertake any task under the influence of cannabis that would constitute negligence or malpractice; or smoke cannabis in a school bus or on public transportation, on school grounds, in a correctional facility, or in any public place in the state. No government-sponsored medical assistance program or private health insurer is required by the Act to cover costs of medical use of cannabis, and an employer is not required to accommodate use in the workplace. Makes fraudulent representation to law enforcement of any fact relating to medical use of cannabis to avoid arrest or prosecution a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500 and any other applicable penalty. Specifies criteria and procedures for DHHS's issuance or renewal of registry identification cards and requires that DHHS maintain a confidential list of persons to whom cards are issued. Allows DHHS to verify for law enforcement whether a card is valid and to report to law enforcement about falsified or fraudulent information submitted to DHHS. Makes violation of the confidentiality provision a Class 1 misdemeanor, subject to a fine of up to $1,000. Upon amendment approval, effective December 1, 2014.
Directs the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to establish a medical cannabis supply system to provide a safe, regulated supply of quality medical cannabis for use by qualified patients with a valid registry identification card and to generate revenue sufficient to maintain and operate the system. Prohibits use of appropriations from the General Fund to establish or operate the system, which must be funded by authorized fees. Establishes criteria for licensing of medical cannabis supply centers and producers of medical cannabis, as well as for suspending or revoking licenses. Requires the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to maintain a confidential list of licensees and specifies when it may release information to law enforcement. Requires the North Carolina Medical Care Commission to adopt rules to implement the supply system, and provides for temporary rules in the interim. Specifies when medical use of cannabis may be asserted as an affirmative defense to a criminal charge. Expresses the General Assembly's intent that the University of North Carolina system undertake scientific research regarding the efficacy and safety of the medical use of cannabis and, subject to approval by the UNC Board of Governors, directs the University to create the North Carolina Cannabis Research Program. Makes conforming changes to GS 106-121 (definitions under Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Act). Upon amendment approval, effective December 1, 2014.
Amends GS 105-164.4(a) to impose a privilege tax on specified cannabis sales. Upon amendment approval, effective December 1, 2014, applying to sales made on or after that date.
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View NCGA Bill Details | 2013-2014 Session |
Status: Ref To Com On Judiciary (House Action) (May 22 2014)
Bill History:
Tue, 20 May 2014 House: Filed
Thu, 22 May 2014 House: Passed 1st Reading
Thu, 22 May 2014 House: Ref To Com On Judiciary
H 1161
Bill Summaries:
Bill H 1161 (2013-2014)Summary date: May 21 2014 - View Summary
Bill H 1161 (2013-2014)Summary date: May 20 2014 - View Summary
To be summarized.
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