Bill Summaries: all (2011-2012 Session)

  • Summary date: May 29 2012 - View summary

    Identical to S 815, filed 5/17/12.

    Amends GS 143B-438.10 (concerning the Commission on Workforce Development) to clarify and expand the Commission's duties, adding, among others, the duty to submit annual reports to the General Assembly, beginning January 15, 2014, and the duty to develop the memorandum of understanding for workforce development programs. Effective January 1, 2013, decreases from 38 to 25 the number of Commission members, as detailed. Provides that the terms of current members expire December 31, 2012. Adds reporting requirements for entities subject to review by the Commission, details a confidentiality provision, and requires appointment of an Advisory Work Group. Sets out a reporting requirement to the newly established Joint Legislative Workforce Development System Reform Oversight Committee.
    Directs the Commission to set standards for JobLink Career Centers, as specified, and requires a review of the memorandum of understanding for the Centers, as detailed. Provides for the appointment of a workgroup, composed of representatives from listed entities, to assist with the review, which must be completed by May 15, 2013, with the memorandum effective July 1, 2013. Sets out additional reporting requirements for the Commission.
    Amends GS 143B-438.11 to also require local Workforce Development Boards to provide regional workforce development planning and labor market data sharing. Directs the Commission and the Department of Commerce to assist any local board that realigns its service area to the boundaries of a local regional council of governments, and requires quarterly reports, as indicated, on the realignment.
    Effective July 1, 2012, amends GS 96-32 to require the Division of Labor and Economic Analysis (DLEA) in the Department of Commerce (rather than the Division of Employment Security) to maintain the common follow-up information management system to track specified performance measures. Adds duties for DLEA, and includes reporting requirements.
    Directs the Department of Commerce to develop and implement, by July 1, 2013, a web-based intake system for North Carolina's workforce development efforts, which must include specified information. Directs the NC Community College System Office to end operation of the Workforce Initiatives program.
    Creates the sixteen member Joint Legislative Workforce Development System Reform Oversight Committee to monitor and oversee the workforce development system and JobLink Career Centers. Sets out interim and final reporting deadlines, and directs the Committee to terminate upon filing the final report.