Amends GS 115C-105.57 (pertaining to the Center for Safer Schools [Center]) to require the Center to develop and update, as necessary, an interactive presentation on the legal, medical, and emotional consequences of youth gun possession, substance abuse, gun violence, and gun safety for students in grade seven and grade nine. Specifies that the Center must provide training and materials for the presentation to all local school administrative units and must provide training and materials to any other public school unit which requests to voluntarily give the presentation. Amends GS 115C-47 (pertaining to the powers and duties of local boards of education) to require each school administrative unit to provide a presentation on the consequences of gun use in line with the requirement set forth above. Specifies required notice provision to parents, and allows parents to opt their student out of the presentation. Appropriates $900,000 from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction in recurring funds for the 2023-24 fiscal year for the Center to provide training and materials to enable local school administrative units and other voluntary public school units to give a presentation on the consequences of gun use to students in grade seven and grade nine. Effective July 1, 2023, and applies beginning with the 2024-25 school year.
Bill Summaries: all (2023-2024 Session)
Bill S 727 (2023-2024)Summary date: Apr 10 2023 - View summary