Bill Summaries: all (2013-2014 Session)

  • Summary date: Mar 20 2013 - View summary

    Enacts new GS 115D-4.2 allowing the State Board of Community Colleges (Board) to authorize a community college to contract with a nonprofit to operate a career prep adult high school. Allows community college employees to be instructional personnel. Provides that if the school requires state funds to operate, then Board approval is subject to appropriation of funds by the General Assembly. Requires the Board to adopt standards and guidelines for operating the schools, including four specified elements.

    Authorizes Forsyth Technical Community College and Central Piedmont Community College to contract with nonprofits for the operation of career prep adult high schools for the 2013-14 fiscal year.

    Appropriates $4 million for 2014-15 from the General Fund to the Community Colleges System Office, with $2 million distributed to Forsyth Technical Community College and $2 million distributed to Central Piedmont Community College. States the General Assembly's intent to appropriate $4 million on a nonrecurring basis for this purpose for 2015-16 and 2016-17. Requires the two colleges to report to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee on September 1 in 2015 and 2016 on the performance of students in the career prep adult high schools.