Bill Summaries: all (2019-2020 Session)

  • Summary date: Mar 14 2019 - View summary

    Amends SL 1993-413, as amended, which authorizes Cumberland County to levy a 1% prepared food and beverage tax, the proceeds of which are transferred to the Cumberland County Civic Center Commission for financing new arena facilities or the expansion of existing arena facilities and other costs of acquiring, constructing, maintaining, operating, marketing, and promoting the new arena or expanded arena facilities. 

    Adds new distribution provisions, requiring the County to divide the net proceeds among the county and its municipalities based on the per capita method provided in GS 105-472(b)(1), with municipalities receiving 25% of the amount they would receive with the per capita method for the 2020, 2021, and 2022 calendar years and 50% of the amount they would have received with the per capita method for the 2023 and 2024 calendar years. Requires distributions to be based solely on the per capita method for calendar years after 2024. Defines net proceeds

    Modifies the authorized uses of the proceeds distributed to the county, as now provided. Replaces "new arena facilities" and "arena facilities" with qualifying facilities, defined as an arena facility, a civic center, a performing arts center, or other similar facility that is approved by the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners that can be reasonably expected to increase travel and tourism to Cumberland County. 

    Adds use restrictions applicable to municipalities, requiring municipalities to use the proceeds distributed to them under the act for the financing of construction or expansion of facilities that improve civic life of their residents and for the promotion and funding of events at the facilities. 

    Eliminates the provision mandating the tax's repeal when the new or expanded arena facilities for which the tax was imposed are constructed and their debt paid.  

    Applies to sales of prepared food and beverages made on or after January 1, 2021.