Bill Summaries: all (2017-2018 Session)

  • Summary date: May 17 2018 - View summary

    Sections 1-3

    Current law encourages charter schools, regional schools, and UNC laboratory schools to adopt School Risk Management Plans (SRMPs); provide certain safety information to local law enforcement agencies and the Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management (Division); and conduct school-wide safety exercises. This act makes the following changes to these laws concerning school risk management in charter schools (GS 115C-218.75), regional schools (GS 115C-238.66), and UNC laboratory schools (GS 116-239.8(b)).

    Requires charter schools, regional schools, and laboratory schools (the schools) to adopt an SRMP relating to incidents of school violence, and to use the School Risk and Response Management System (SRRMS) established pursuant to GS 115C-105.49A. Requires the schools to provide local law enforcement agencies with (1) schematic diagrams, including digital schematic diagrams and (2) either keys to the main entrance of all school buildings or emergency access to key storage devices for all school buildings. Specifically identifies KNOX boxes as key storage devices that can be used for emergency access by local law enforcement. Requires the schools to provide law enforcement with necessary updates regarding schematic diagrams or access to buildings or key storage devices. Establishes that schematic diagrams are not public record.

    Requires the schools to hold a full school-wide tabletop exercise and drill based on the procedures documented in its SRMP at least once a year. Defines tabletop exercise to mean an exercise involving key personnel conducting simulated scenarios related to emergency planning. Specifically requires the schools to include a practice school lockdown due to an intruder on school grounds. Further, encourages the schools to hold a tabletop exercise and drill for multiple hazards included in its SRMP, and strongly encourages the schools to include local law enforcement and emergency management agencies in its tabletop exercises and drills (currently, the schools are encouraged to hold a school-wide lockdown exercise with local law enforcement and emergency management agencies at least once a year). Adds that the purpose of the tabletop exercises and drills is to (1) discuss simulated emergency situations in a low-stress environment; (2) clarify roles, responsibilities, and overall logistics for dealing with an emergency; and (3) identify possible SRMP modifications needed. Requires the Division and the Center for Safer Schools to provide the schools guidance and recommendations on the types of multiple hazards to plan for and respond to.

    Requires the schools to provide schematic diagrams, including digital schematic diagrams, and emergency response information as requested to the Division (currently, the schools are only encouraged to do so). Requires the schools to provide updated schematic diagrams and emergency response information when those updates are made. Directs the Division to ensure that the diagrams and emergency response information are securely stored and distributed as provided in the SRMP to first responders, emergency personnel, and school personnel.

    Makes conforming changes to GS 115C-218.75, GS 115C-238.66, and GS 116-239.8(b).

    Section 4

    Amends GS 115C-562.5 to require nonpublic schools accepting eligible students receiving scholarship grants to provide the Education Authority documentation that the nonpublic school is in compliance with the following new requirements concerning school risk management. Identical to the new requirements of charter schools, regional schools, and laboratory schools described above, requires these nonpublic schools to adopt an SRMP relating to incidents of school violence, in coordination with local law enforcement agencies, and to use the SRRMS. Further requires these nonpublic schools to: (1) provide schematic diagrams, including digital schematic diagrams, and either keys to the main entrance of all school buildings or emergency access to key storage devices, to local law enforcement agencies, as well as updates to the diagrams and keys or key storage devices as necessary; (2) once a year, hold a full school-wide tabletop exercise and drill based on procedures documents in its SRMP, including a practice lockdown due to an intruder on school grounds, with local law enforcement and emergency management agencies encouraged; and (3) provide schematic diagrams, including digital schematic diagrams, and emergency response information to the Division upon request, as well as updates as necessary. Provides that SRMPs and schematic diagrams are not public record. Also encourages the nonpublic schools covered under the new requirements to implement the provisions in GS 115C-105.52 (concerning the placement and contents of school crisis kits).

    Sections 5 and 6

    Current law encourages private church schools, schools of religious charter, and qualified nonpublic schools to participate in State-operated or -sponsored programs on a voluntary basis. Adds to GS 115C-551 (concerning private church schools and schools of religious charter) and GS 115C-559 (concerning qualified nonpublic schools) to encourage these schools to adopt an SRMP relating to incidents of school violence, in coordination with local law enforcement agencies, and to use the SRRMS. Further encourages private church schools, schools of religious charter, and qualified nonpublic schools to (1) provide schematic diagrams and keys to the main entrance of school facilities to local law enforcement agencies, as well as implementing the provisions in GS 115C-105.52 (concerning the placement and contents of school crisis kits); (2) hold a full school-wide lockdown exercise with local law enforcements and emergency management agencies at least once a year; and (3) provide schematic diagrams and emergency response information to the Division. Provides that SRMPs and schematic diagrams are not public record.

    Sections 7 and 8

    Makes conforming changes to GS 115C-105.49A(b), providing for the Division to use the schematic diagrams provided by the schools, as well as the local administrative units, in constructing the SRRMS, and GS 115C-105.53(b), permitting the schools to use the standards and guidelines developed by the Division in preparing their schematic diagrams.

    Section 9

    Provides the act is effective July 1, 2019, and applies beginning with the 2019-20 school year.