House committee substitute to the 2nd edition makes the following changes. Makes clarifying and technical changes to proposed GS 160D-915.1 and GS 143-138(b23).
Bill Summaries: H603 (2023-2024 Session)
Bill H 603 (2023-2024)Summary date: May 24 2023 - View summary
Bill H 603 (2023-2024)Summary date: May 2 2023 - View summary
House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Amends new GS 160D-915.1 (temporary event venues) as follows. Now specifies that enactment of a temporary venue ordinance and issuance of a temporary event permit is not considered a zoning map amendment under GS Chapter 160D (was, under Article 9 of GS Chapter 160D). Specifies that any rezoning application to allow a venue to be used for a temporary event permit would be subject to the requirements of GS Chapter 160D (was, under Article 9 of GS Chapter 160D). Provides that if the temporary event venue lot or parcel (was, just venue) is rezoned, the temporary event venue permit will become void and the venue must operate under all applicable requirements of law. Makes technical change. Amends the act's long title.
Bill H 603 (2023-2024)Summary date: Apr 13 2023 - View summary
Enacts GS 160D-915.1 to authorize local governments to establish a process to permit temporary event venues, defined as an existing publicly or privately owned building or structure suitable for use as a site for public or private events relating to entertainment, education, marketing, meetings, sales, trade shows, and any other activities or occasions authorized by government ordinance, and limited to 72 hours. Defines local government to mean a municipality with a population of 100,000 or more. Allows the temporary event venue to be considered as a permitted accessory use in any zoning district and not considered a zoning map amendment; bars requiring a special use permit or subjection to other local zoning requirements. Allows only one temporary event venue per lot or parcel of land, and limits permitted venues to 24 temporary events in a calendar year. Details requirements for ordinances authorizing temporary event venues, including prescribing the process for persons seeking a temporary event venue permit or a renewal. Specifies that issuance of a temporary event venue permit is not a quasi-judicial act. Allows local governments to charge up to $100 for an initial permit and up to $50 for a renewal. Allows the local government to require any concerns from the required inspection to be addressed with reasonable measures and to require the use of temporary toilet facilities. Exempts permitted temporary event venues from requirements of the Building Code or any local variants. Requires compliance with federal laws and regulations. Provides parameters for instances in which permittees seek rezoning of the parcel to a zoning district that would allow a permitted use of the venue for events of the type authorized by a temporary event permit. Makes conforming changes to GS 143-138 (concerning the State Building Code). Effective October 1, 2023.