House committee substitute to the 2nd edition makes the following changes. Amends proposed GS 153A-60.1, applicable to Beaufort County only and concerning initiative petitions to alter the county board of commissioners, to no longer require that the Attorney General make any submissions under the statute.
Bill Summaries: H481 (2019-2020 Session)
Bill H 481 (2019-2020)Summary date: Jul 10 2019 - View summary
Bill H 481 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 10 2019 - View summary
House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes changes to the act's long title only.
Bill H 481 (2019-2020)Summary date: Mar 27 2019 - View summary
Amends GS Chapter 153A, Article 4, Part 4 (modification in the structure of county boards of commissioners) by adding new GS 153A-60.1 describing the procedure and requirements for voters to initiate a referendum on proposed alterations to the structure of the board of county commissioners. Mandates that an initiative petition submitted to the county board of elections be supported by at least 15% of the registered voters of the county or 5,000, whichever is less, by including signatures and addresses of those resident voters. Requires the county board of election to call a special election as provided in GS 163A-1592, to be held at the time of an election more than 90 days after receipt of the petition. Places a minimum time limit before another initiative petition regarding the same subject matter may filed after alterations become effective or are defeated by the voters. Applies to Beaufort County only.