Reorganizes and expands GS 50B-9, which established the Domestic Violence Center Fund (Fund). Specifies that the Fund is a nonreverting special fund. Defines a center for victims of domestic violence, for the purposes of the statute, as an office with a street address that is open to the public, operated by a non-profit or local governmental entity, and provides, at a minimum, five listed services related to domestic violence. Clarifies that a center will be eligible for an equal share of the Fund only if it continuously provided the required services since July 1st preceding the grant application period. Explains that an office location will not be considered a center for victims of domestic violence and will not be eligible for grant funds if it does not provide the listed services. Describes funding procedures when there is more than one center in a county. Explains that a non-profit or local government entity will be eligible for only one equal share of the Fund for each eligible center, and one equal share will also go to the NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. (Coalition). Allows the board of county commissioners, in a county that does not have an eligible center, to apply for an equal share of the Fund, provided the board can show that the grant funds will provide residents with the services listed in the statute. Limits the number of centers eligible for funds based on a county’s population in the 2010 census. Lists the procedures and voting rules that the NC Domestic Violence Commission must follow if a county has one center receiving funds and a second or third qualified center applies for an equal share of the Fund.
Makes technical and conforming changes.
Applies to Fund grant applications for the 2012-13 fiscal year.
Bill Summaries: H178 (2011-2012 Session)
Bill H 178 (2011-2012)Summary date: Feb 23 2011 - View summary