Bill Summary for S 1 (2025 - 2026)

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Summary date: 

Jan 8 2025

Bill Information:

View NCGA Bill Details(link is external)2025-2026 Session
Senate Bill 1 (Public) Filed Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Intro. by Rabon.

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Bill summary

Adopts the 2023 Senate permanent rules as the 2025 permanent rules with the following exceptions:

Now includes Mondays as part of the Senate’s current procedure of convening at 2 pm on the next legislative day if no reconvening time is set at adjournment set forth in Rule 2 (was, the Senate would reconvene at 7 pm on Mondays in such instances).  

Extends authority under Rule 8 so that the President Pro Tempore, the Deputy President Pro Tempore, and the Chair of the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate may request the Presiding Officer to order that galleries or lobbies be cleared in an instance of disturbance or disorderly conduct in those areas (was, only Presiding Officer was able to order those areas cleared).

Grants the President Pro Tempore, the Deputy President Pro Tempore, and the Chair of the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate discretion to alter some or all of the limitations in Rule 14 (concerning limitations on individual debate) following consultation with the minority leader of the Senate and approval of the majority of the members present.  Alters the rules limitations on motions or appeal so that a Senator can only speak once on any motion or appeal for no longer than ten minutes (was, no Senator was able to speak more than once with a ten-minute limit on speaking time for any motion or appeal during the same reading).

Authorizes adjournments in honor or in memory of a person or an event of significance under Rule 24.1. Requires Senators making such motions to submit the request in writing to the Chair of the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate on the day prior to the day the motion to adjourn is to be made. Makes technical change.

Increases the required number of votes for the Senate to alter the name, number, and composition of standing committees upon recommendation of the Senate Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate under Rule 31 from a majority to the three-fifths of membership of the Senate present and voting.

Adds two committees (Elections and Regulatory Reform) to the standing committees established under Rule 32.  Removes the standing committee on Redistricting and Elections. 

Now includes Mondays in Rule 40’s daily 4 pm deadline for the Senate Principal Clerk to receive bills for introduction (was, 30 minutes after the Senate adjourned on Mondays).

Amends Rule 40.2 to update deadlines for filing bills for introduction to dates in 2025. Provides that all local bills must be submitted to the Legislative Drafting Division or the Legislative Analysis Division by 4:00 on February 13, 2025, and introduced no later than 4:00 on February 27, 2025. Public bills and resolutions, must be submitted for drafting by 4:00 on February 27, 2025, and introduced by 4:00 on March 25, 2025. Sets the bill crossover deadline in Rule 41as May 8, 2025.

Limits preparation and attachment of actuarial notes (Rule 42.2) and incarceration reports (Rule 42.3A) only to when they are required by State law for the listed matters.

Removes Rule 42.4, which specified allowable content of appropriations bills. Now reserves the rule for future use.

Allows the President Pro Tempore or the Chair of the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate to also calendar a bill or resolution under Rule 47 with the consent of a majority of members present and voting. (Previously, the President Pro Tempore or the Chair of the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate could only re-calendar or re-refer bills and resolutions.) Makes conforming changes to Rules 45.1 and 56.1.

Decreases the required votes under Rule 50 for a bill to be acted upon out of order on its third reading or on the same day it passed second reading from two-thirds to three-fifths of the membership of the Senate present and voting.

Decreases the required votes under Rule 59 for bills to be transmitted to the House of Representatives on the day of its passage from two-thirds to a majority of the membership of the Senate present and voting.

Makes additional technical and clarifying changes, including updating references to 2025.