Bill Summary for H 1030 (2023-2024)
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Bill summary
Enacts new GS 75-44 requiring any pregnancy center advertisement to convey accurate and complete information about the center's services, in plain language that is easy to understand. Defines advertisement. Defines pregnancy center as: a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization, other than a hospital, ambulatory surgical facility, or clinic that performs abortions, that holds itself out as a provider of care and support for pregnant women, including pregnancy counseling services, pregnancy testing, and other nonmedical pregnancy services.
Makes it illegal for a pregnancy center in an advertisement, on a call line, on a website, or in any other materials or verbal communication to knowingly make a materially false or misleading statement, or provide false or misleading information about: (1) the nature, identity, or location of a pregnancy center; (2) the medical risks and long-term effects of pregnancy, prenatal care, abortion, and contraceptives; (3) the credentials, qualifications, or experience of persons providing treatment or services in the center; (4) the types and methods of services provided or used by the center, and information about where they are provided. Violations are an unfair or deceptive trade practice.
Effective October 1, 2024.
Appropriates $25,000 in recurring funds for 2024-25 from the General Fund to the Department of Justice to be allocated to the Attorney General to assist in enforcing this act. Effective July 1, 2024.