Authorizes the Pasquotank Sheriff, or their designee, to release the disposition of disciplinary charges (as defined in the act) against a Sheriff's deputy and the facts relied upon in determining the disposition to: (1) members of the Citizens' Advisory Council (Council) to review the disciplinary process, and (2) the person alleged to have been aggrieved by the deputy's action or the person's survivor. Requires Council members to adhere to a confidentiality agreement and keep all information released to them confidential; violations of confidentiality are to be prosecuted. Provides that if the Council hears an appeal of a disciplinary case, then the disposition of disciplinary charges and the facts and circumstances of the case may be released by the county manager to the Sheriff or any person whose presence is necessary to the appeal hearing, and requires that person to keep information confidential and violations are to be prosecuted. Requires facts and circumstances to be made available to the deputy.