Amends GS 18B-204 by requiring the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission (Commission) to make a good-faith effort, without discrimination, to make all spirituous liquor it distributes available to all local boards. Requires the adoption of rules on the ordering of spirituous liquor by local boards. Prohibits a contractor that has entered into a warehousing contract under the statute from providing a local board with information that gives one board an advantage over another board on product selection, availability, or otherwise obtaining spirituous liquor distributed by the Commission. Violations are grounds to terminate the contract. Requires the Commission tp keep a record of all products that the Commission either (1) limits distribution of due to limited availability or (2) allocates the distribution of to local boards. Requires the record to be available to local boards and sets out information that must be included in the records for all limited distribution or allocated products received by the Commission. Makes additional technical and clarifying changes. Effective July 1, 2021, and applies to all spirituous liquor received or distributed on or after that date.