Enacts new Article 1A, Net Tax-Supported Debt, to GS Chapter 142. States in new GS 142-15.15 the General Assembly's intent not to authorize debt if the amount of debt service for the debt when added to the annual amount of debt service for net tax-supported debt authorized by the state exceeds 4% of the total amount of revenue to the General Fund for the previous year. Enacts new GS 142-15.16 to require the Department of Treasurer to report to the General Assembly, on a semiannual basis, the amount of debt service for net tax-supported debt, the amount set forth in GS 142-15.15, and whether the General Assembly is in compliance with the stated goal. Enacts new GS 142-15.17 providing that if a change in amount of revenue to the General Fund results in the amount of debt service for net tax-supported debt exceeding the amount set forth in GS 142-15.15, it does not impair the obligation of authorized debt service.