Establishes the 16- member Task Force on Physical Education and Physical Activity in Schools (Task Force) with eight members appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate (President Pro Tem) and eight members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives (Speaker). Specifies the qualifications and affiliations of the members to be appointed by the Speaker and the President Pro Tem respectively. Provides for the filling of vacancies and meeting a quorum. Directs the Task Force to examine issues relating to physical education, physical activity, and fitness testing data collection in the schools. Requires the Task Force to recommend a strategic plan to the General Assembly and specifies the content of that plan. Provides other details regarding the powers and operations of the Task Force. Directs the Task Force to submit an interim report to the 2013 Regular Session of the 2013 General Assembly on or before January 15, 2013, and a final report to the 2014 Regular Session of the 2013 General Assembly on or before May 1, 2014. Terminates the Task Force upon the filing of its final report or on May 15, 2014, whichever comes first.
Directs the State Board of Education to coordinate a work group to review the status of data collection from the fitness testing taking place in kindergarten through eighth grade. Provides the areas of focus for the work group and guidelines as to the membership of the work group. Directs the work group to report its findings and recommendations to the Task Force by June 30, 2013.