Amends GS 18B-1105 as title indicates, and requires ABC Commission to adopt regulations governing retail sales at distilleries. Adds GS 18B-1105.2 authorizing distillery permit-holder to conduct consumer tasting events on the following conditions: (1) person pouring wine at event must be an employee at least 21 years old; (2) person pouring spirituous liquor must check IDs, and consumption by persons under-age is prohibited; (3) consumers may not be charged for samples and may not consume more than 1.5 oz. of liquor in a day; (4) tastings must be held at distillery which produced liquor, and may not be held when sale is otherwise prohibited; (5) a tasting event may not be advertised. Directs the Commission to adopt rules to assure that tastings are not used as a subterfuge for unlawful sale or distribution, nor by industry members as unlawful inducements to retail permit holders. Effective October 1, 2011.